• 27-30.04.2023 Basics Inline Instructor Course •
• An inline instructor courses for EVERYBODY •
• All classes in English •
• A place to start your inline school bussines •
How To Turn Your Passion For Skating
Into A Business!
Inline skating is riding a popularity wave of a kind we haven’t seen since mid-90’s. The demand for both skates and accessories is booming. In fact, it has increased so much that companies struggle to meet demand. This is a great time for suppliers, skate shops selling their products and of course, skating schools
But no gold rush lasts forever and in the longer term, we can expect the market to be saturated and skating popularity stabilising. Constant growth is simply impossible. If you run, or plan to run a business based on this sport, you must prepare for the inevitable. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a rather uncomfortable position of going under with many other companies.
This is especially true for skating schools and instructors. In this day and age, the demand is so high, that even people with very basic skills backed up with a decent level of charisma can make money. However, we may soon find ourselves in a situation of a fierce competition, where quality of service and learning experience will matter the most. Customers vote with their wallets and making your offer attractive to them is a priority number one.
However, even if you are an objectively good inline skating instructor, your skills alone will only let you stay afloat. A lot more effort is need for growth. You must know how to plan and successfully attract customers.
What if we tell you that we’ve been there and done that already, years ago?
About Us
We are a group of instructors and managers coming from “I Love Rolki” – the largest alliance of inline skating schools, not only in Poland, but most likely worldwide.
It is formed by schools in more than 20 Polish cities, ranging from our capital, Warsaw, with population of over 1,7 million to a small town of Bilgoraj with little more than 27 000 citizens. By working together, we have found a way to make our businesses thrive even in places where others would not even attempt trying.
“I Love Rolki” started in 2012. Those were rough times for skating in Poland. Though a known sport, there was no prospect for a near term increase in popularity. Very few people in Poland were teaching others how to skate. For most of them, doing this as a full-time job seemed like an unachievable dream. The exceptions were rare. To put it simply, the demand did not exist
We started small – just a handful of people in city of Rzeszow. However, thanks all the hard work we have put into promoting skating via competitions, workshops and shows in many cities all over the country, things have changed. More people approached us with each month, and we were receiving questions about skating schools in other cities. At that point, we’ve realised that we had done something special and that an opportunity to turn it into something remarkable was within or grasp.
If you are wondering what “I Love Rolki” means – “rolki” is a Polish word for rollerblades/inline skates. There you have it – everything started from our love for skating. Our passion for the sport was what drove us forward all this time
Where We Stand Today
“I Love Rolki” now has nearly a hundred instructors who come from a variety of backgrounds. They specialise in different styles and have additional skills which give our organisation as a depth unmatched in the skating world. We also have few who make up our support staff.
As demand increases, our numbers grow. Still, we have a rule of working only with the best of the best – people we can trust our brand with and who are worthy of representing it. Most importantly, peoplewho really love skating.
When it comes to instructors, you can find very different approaches to running business among them. Some teach how to skate full time and make a living off it. Others approach it as a part-time or secondary job. There are some who split time between teaching inline and ice skating. Others balance running, or working in, a skate shop and giving lessons. Their combined experience gives our organisation a great degree of flexibility. Collectively, we can help newcomers among our ranks to find the best business methods and solutions that suit their circumstances.
The best part of having a large network of individuals with different perspectives, ideas and backgrounds is easy and constant sharing of knowledge. We constantly stay in touch and work together on events, workshops and even summer skating camps. It is safe to say that our knowledge base is unmatched at this point – you will not find anyone else with such comprehensive know-how about teaching skating and running this type of business. Our strength is in our numbers – we have people teaching almost all kinds of inline skating styles and students of all ages, from youngest kids to people well past retirement age.
The Benefits Of Working With Us
This year we are launching a new initiative – comprehensive training camps for people who want either to get into business of teaching inline skating or expanding their knowledge. As mentioned earlier, we are interested working with people from abroad. As such, all classes and materials are prepared in English, the modern lingua franca.
We have picked a handful of our instructors who have the most experience in teaching, running schools and working on workshops, shows, competitions and other projects both in Poland and abroad. They specialise in different skating styles and interests.
Some primarily run classes for children and have knowledge on how to make the learning process engaging and fun for them. Others excel at teaching adults. Some are so versatile that they find themselves comfortable working with any group of students. We have people who know how to teach all skill levels, from absolute beginners to advanced skaters who seek a guidance in polishing their already well developed skills.
Our instructors are all certified by Polish Skating Sports Association.. That assures you quality, consistency in skill, a solid knowledge base and teaching methodology. Some of them are running their own skating schools or other skating related business. If you want to learn more about our crew, visit their profiles on this page.
These people are ready to teach you a wide range of skills related to both skating and running classes, plus having tons of advice on how to work with people and pursue a successful career as an instructor.
Your Future With Us
Our appetites are growing
We could stop at teaching skating and promoting the sport – for sure we would still come out even and be able to make decent living off it. But why stop at “good enough”, when you have potential to reach greater heights?
This is why we have started to forge a new generation of instructors. We took many talented people under our wings and taught them everything we know. We have also started to organise training camps for people who already work in the business, but want to polish their skills further.
Our next step is sharing this knowledge with people abroad. This is where you come into play!
We firmly believe that the more professionally run inline skating schools worldwide, the better for the industry and sport as a whole. There are many countries in which skating does have a huge following, but when we take a broader perspective into account, there are even more where it is hardly noticed. The existence of these “blind spots” have nothing to do with the sport itself – skating is as great as ever and nothing can match a sensation of speed and freedom you have on boots with wheels attached. We believe that all skating needs to sprout in such places are great ambassadors. And we aim to create more of them.
Every team needs a leader
Tomasz “Szyszka” Szymczyk. an old-schooler in Polish street skating scene and his whole professional career revolves around skating. Tomasz acts as a coordinator of the whole project and makes sure it is constantly growing, improving and adapting. His contribution in I Love Rolki cannot be overestimated.
Aside from that, as one of the founders of the Hedonskate and Bladeville skate shops. he has extensive experience in running a skate shop business.
He also manages Polish teams of Powerslide and USD skaters and helped to nurture many talents over the years. It is thanks to his hard work and backing that so many people received official support of the German brand in Poland.
Last but not least, Tomasz is a board member in Polish Skating Sports Association.
Thanks to his years of experience in both working in and running business related to skating, this man can share a valuable insight about the following subjects:
how to get your skating school up and running
what kind of challenges you may face and how to overcome them
how to popularise skating in your area and create a demand for your services
when it is a good time to expand your business
Or in other words, teach you how make your inline skating school a successful endeavour.

Tomasz "Szyszka" Szymczyk
We are waiting for you
It is only fair to say that most likely there is no other projects as advanced as ours, with the same level of ability to share so much knowledge with you. This comes with a price tag, but friendships you’ll make along the way and perspectives on further, international cooperation come for free. If you want to launch your career as a skating instructor to a next level, come and join us during one of our training camps.